Oct 19, 2009
StartWork creates a new program of "Dream", for greater earnings!
Well, that's dozhadlis!
StartWork added another bonus program " DREAM ", where you can get income from 300 $ to 18000 $ !!!< br/> using it works in this program combines the first program "Junior" and second "VIP" together.
Going in the first matrix program " DREAM "-" Ascent "and passing it to the end you get 300 $ and go into the second matrix -" Dream ", after which you get 18000 $ !!!
detailed marketing plan in format PDF (4,5 MB)
In a word (in brief) - StartWork alive and continues to live! (And still going to live happily ever after)
way! Newsletter drive full already working! Who's supposed to, order:)
By the way, my bonus program registration, " Bring your $ 35 or free registration " - CONTINUES! I decided to make it perpetual;)
Who cares - apply
free money,
Sep 11, 2009
Hersteller Weise Zugriff WAY ACCESS Global vertreibt Saft zu werben!
Company WAY ACCESS Global la"dt Ha"ndler!
Registrieren Zur Zeit !
Beeil dich!
WAY ACCESS Global 13 Jahre offline und geht jetzt auf den Markt Internet. Jeder kann registrieren Sie sich kostenlos ! Ihre Aufgabe URGENT Aufbau eines Netzwerkes, der Verbraucher . Anmeldungen gehen jede Minute! Und zu jeder Zeit Beplatnost !
Als na"chstes la"dt 9 Personen fu"r Ihren Link registrieren, Sie 4X1 Liter Noni-Saft erhalten fu"r drei Monate (fu"r Werbezwecke) . Plus Einkaufsgutscheine in Ho"he von 32,00 Euro fu"r andere Produkte von Tahitian Noni International.
deutsche Team eine besondere Aktion gestartet, und Sie haben die einmalige Gelegenheit, daran teilzunehmen. Diese Aktion ist zeitlich begrenzt, und erfordert eine rasche Antwort von Ihrer Seite!
ersten 3 Monate erhalten Sie kostenlos bis zu 4 Liter Saft TAHITIAN NONI ™ Juice in den drei Kra"fte 150 EURO und mehr bekommt man bezahlt monatlich u"ber Marketing-Plan
Alles was Sie brauchen, um eine freie 9 Leute, die wollen auch kostenlos zu erhalten Anmelden Produkt und kann auch bei der Suche nach 9 Personen interessiert. Es wird dringend empfohlen, interessierte Menschen, die sich fu"r intelligente Menschen aufgefordert, nicht nur zu unterzeichnen Zeichen! Auf wie Ihre Mitarbeiter Bedingung (9x9) durchfu"hren, von der Tiefe der Struktur abha"ngen, und somit Ihren Gewinn pro Monat.
Wenn die Bedingung (9x9) mit der Hand Ihrer Anmeldung auf der offiziellen Seite «Tahitian Noni International», und zahlen Ihrer Bestellung auf eigene Kosten innerhalb von drei Monaten, die Organisatoren der Rallye.
Nach der Umstellung ist die offizielle Website des Unternehmens fu"r Sie unterzeichnen einen Drei-Mann, vermutlich die Amerikaner in der ersten Zeile, und sie so Ihre 9 Menschen, die erfu"llt auch die Bedingung «9». So bauen wir eine gemischte Struktur.
Hinweis: zuna"chst zu pru"fen, alle Unterlagen und bereiten alles im Voraus, um Ihre Daten zu registrieren. Nur dann Kommen Sie die Website ist ausschlie?lich fu"r den Ref-Link, und sofort Registrieren
WAY ACCESS Global Warum? Da die Seite wird jede Minute aktualisiert! - Und ref-Link verloren ! - Sie werden nicht eingetragen unter seiner Aufsicht werden!
vertreibt Saft,
Weise Zugriff GLOBAL
Free up to 4 liters of juice TAHITIAN NONI ™ Juice
You paid nothing, pay your tax.
The German team launched a special action, and you have a unique opportunity to take part in it. This action is limited in time, and requires a rapid response from your side!
first 3 months you get free up to 4 liters of juice TAHITIAN NONI ™ Juice on three forces 150 EURO and yet you get paid every month on marketing plan!
Registrer here.
To participate you need to sign a free 9 people who also want to receive free product, and can also find the 9 people interested . It is strongly recommended to sign interested people, not just to sign! On how your people will perform the condition (9x9) will depend on the depth of the structure, and therefore your profit per month.
When the condition (9x9) with your hand you register on the official site «Tahitian Noni International», and pay for your order at your own expense within three months, organizers of the rally.
After the transition is the official website of the company for you to sign a three-man, presumably the Americans in the first line, and beneath them, so your 9 people, who also met the condition «9». Thus, we construct a mixed structure.
Little about the product:
Juice TAHITIAN NONI ™ Juice - is a natural, ecologically pure fruit drink, with no additional preservative additives, which contains more than 150 nutrients (vitamins, minerals, micro elements, amino acids, enzymes and etc.).
Scientists have confirmed a beneficial effect on human juice TAHITIAN NONI ™ Juice. And it helps athletes recover faster after workouts, gives energy and essential nutrients at the same time is safe: do not contain performance enhancing drugs and stimulants.
Instructions for registering for free noni juice read here:
ENTRANCE BY REFERENCE http://way.ag/pages/? ID = 5960
And fill the little form:
* Surname
* Name
* Phone
* Country
* E-mail
* Repeat mailings
Thus we get:
»Free registration
»Get a free brand-name product to 3 months
»Good opportunities to earn
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After filling this form, you automatically get a link to email of you have specified, for further registration in the system of wages, as well as our support program.
Registration continued after receiving the letter.
We go to the post. The mailer, click on http://way.ag/login /
And we get to the page to continue registration. Scroll down and click on Jetzt Anmelden
* Anrede: your gender Frau / Herr
* Vorname: surname
* Name: NAME
* Strasse / Nr.: STREET (in the window of apartment)
* Plz / Ort: ZIP / City
* Land: COUNTRY (you country)
* Personalausweisnr passport number (better Zagray. If any)
* e-Mail: @yahoo.com OR @gmail.com
* Telefon: HOME
* Handy: MOBILE
* Geburtsdatum (birthday)
The list of countries available for registration:
Indien (neu)
United Kingdom
Russland (neu)
Polen (neu)
Ukraine (neu)
You paid nothing, pay your tax.
The German team launched a special action, and you have a unique opportunity to take part in it. This action is limited in time, and requires a rapid response from your side!
first 3 months you get free up to 4 liters of juice TAHITIAN NONI ™ Juice on three forces 150 EURO and yet you get paid every month on marketing plan!
Registrer here.
To participate you need to sign a free 9 people who also want to receive free product, and can also find the 9 people interested . It is strongly recommended to sign interested people, not just to sign! On how your people will perform the condition (9x9) will depend on the depth of the structure, and therefore your profit per month.
When the condition (9x9) with your hand you register on the official site «Tahitian Noni International», and pay for your order at your own expense within three months, organizers of the rally.
After the transition is the official website of the company for you to sign a three-man, presumably the Americans in the first line, and beneath them, so your 9 people, who also met the condition «9». Thus, we construct a mixed structure.
Little about the product:
Juice TAHITIAN NONI ™ Juice - is a natural, ecologically pure fruit drink, with no additional preservative additives, which contains more than 150 nutrients (vitamins, minerals, micro elements, amino acids, enzymes and etc.).
Scientists have confirmed a beneficial effect on human juice TAHITIAN NONI ™ Juice. And it helps athletes recover faster after workouts, gives energy and essential nutrients at the same time is safe: do not contain performance enhancing drugs and stimulants.
Instructions for registering for free noni juice read here:
ENTRANCE BY REFERENCE http://way.ag/pages/? ID = 5960
And fill the little form:
* Surname
* Name
* Phone
* Country
* Repeat mailings
Thus we get:
»Free registration
»Get a free brand-name product to 3 months
»Good opportunities to earn
»Free travel Life style
»Cash Prizes
»Professional business documents
»Top support
»100% teamwork
After filling this form, you automatically get a link to email of you have specified, for further registration in the system of wages, as well as our support program.
Registration continued after receiving the letter.
We go to the post. The mailer, click on http://way.ag/login /
And we get to the page to continue registration. Scroll down and click on Jetzt Anmelden
* Anrede: your gender Frau / Herr
* Vorname: surname
* Name: NAME
* Strasse / Nr.: STREET (in the window of apartment)
* Plz / Ort: ZIP / City
* Land: COUNTRY (you country)
* Personalausweisnr passport number (better Zagray. If any)
* e-Mail: @yahoo.com OR @gmail.com
* Telefon: HOME
* Handy: MOBILE
* Geburtsdatum (birthday)
The list of countries available for registration:
Indien (neu)
United Kingdom
Russland (neu)
Polen (neu)
Ukraine (neu)
free registration,
juice free,
natural juice,
noni juice
Aug 31, 2009
Why mail is losing subscribers? Five fatal mistakes novice authors.
Voluntary thematic mailing list was at that time invented by an alternative to spam. The idea is simple - you voluntarily subscribe to receive in your email inbox you interesting information on a given topic. It is very convenient, since lists can be found a lot of really good quality and free information that can be quite useful to the subscriber. The author, in turn, maintain its thematic distribution makes it possible to maintain links with their target audience, periodically publish their offers, and to maintain feedback with potential clients. Commercial Internet Project, supported the dispatch, as a rule, are several times more profit . Mailing lists are usually a variety of companies with the aim of publishing their news and information on promotions, or individual entrepreneurs, to develop their e-business. This article will talk about the second category of authors, since the first case, the conduct of the publications are more likely to trust the professionals. Sometimes happens that an aspiring entrepreneur, has opened up, faced with a situation where instead of the continuous growth of the reverse process - refuse subscribers (deleted from your mailing) of distribution. The reasons for this unpleasant phenomenon may be several. Consider the major ones:
- Abundance of advertising in the newsletter. This is perhaps the most common and most devastating error. It should be understood that the delivery - this is a kind of transaction. The author publishes an interesting and useful information on a given topic, and subscriber, as if in compensation for this service, ready to receive a certain minimum portion of advertising. But do not naoborot.V indeed, it is difficult to imagine in our human, and so glut in advertising time that would voluntarily sign up to receive only the advertisement information in your email box. Therefore, if the balance between a reasonable amount of advertising and useful information seriously shifting towards the first, the delivery will inevitably lose subscribers, one after the other.
- Departures from the stated topic list. Theme delivery, as the name implies, is designed to inform subscribers on any particular topic. A few strange, but often the authors of this very topic of waste. Of course, it is understandable that the author, in addition to the topic list, there are a lot of other interests. But whether these shared interests of its subscribers if the topic list - cultivation of cacti, then why two-thirds of this issue is devoted to other domestic plants in which the author of the soul is not DR? And well, if not the animals ... Maybe this is really interesting, but unless stated theme «Breeding cacti», then on the cactus and say, otherwise the result of such an approach quickly affects the number of active subscribers. The reason is obvious - nobody wants to waste their time on the fact that he was not interested. The time we all cherish.
- mistake number three can be described as the excessive personalization distribution. What does this mean? But that - the author says too much about yourself. In fact, it is not bad to feel that the other monitor sits a live person and not a robot. Speaking of his personal emotions and thoughts on the topic only makes up brighter and more interesting. But only teme.Na fact, which is not only found in some editions. Today's weather outside the window, a pair of words about the victory of your favorite football team, a couple paragraphs of the discussion about life, and (Surprise!) - A good bullet in the end! This approach may be good for some blogs, which are of such a format obscheniya.Tratit precious time maloinformativnye letter to anyone not interested, much easier to click on «unsubscribe», which is often the case.
- absence of a practical beginning. Information Information discord, and if the subject distribution promises practical useful information, then it should be. That is, it is practically useful. This is one of the key moments, just as interesting information on the Internet is enough for any subject. Subscriber «default» expects that he will fulfill his promises, and if not, it is an adequate response - just not to receive deliveries.
- hard to read because the author wrote too long and not formatted letter. Too long a letter - it is a serious reason, because, first - with the information difficult to monitor, and secondly - distribution issues are often not read, but quickly prosmatrivayut.Optimalny size, in the opinion of many successful authors, 1000 -- 1500 characters, 2500 characters max. Longer letters are already quite difficult to read. If the author is not able to reveal the theme for 2500 plates, it is better to release just split apart. It is important to understand what to do on a push to read until the end of long letter, no one will be.
Jun 19, 2009
As the 24 hours to get all what you dream
If not - be sure to see, because it is really fantastic kinoshka! And if you've already seen this picture, you will not be no trouble to recall the words of the main hero of the movie by name / William:
«I've found quite an interesting key to the decision - taken every day of my life as a certain amount of time, each unit has a duration of not more than thirty minutes. Full hour, as we are accustomed to perceive it, the role of these temporary units will not fit - it looks quite frightening, and prolonged, while the vast majority of our daily tasks solved could be ischislyaemy 30-minute period.
So, see what happens when we take a temporary unit for the same half hour. Take a bath - one unit, see news - one unit, find information in the grid - two units, gymnastics - three units, industrious rastrepka my hair - four units ... Simply amazing, how dense is the calendar of implementation of our daily tasks, and that most I am interested in, to be frank - as in all of this weight and run people manage to find time to work? »
I admit frankly: the title of this article can put you in confusion. After reading it, you may think that I will now tell you how over one day to get all the items you desire - at once and not more than one day. But in reality this is not what I mean.
And the title I chose not only to bring to your attention the article, but also ensure that you understand the strength and wisdom that only the concept.
You will be shocked by this discovery as soon as before you actually come, as the case in any area of our lives, including those in the business.
First - to bring all of what you want (absolutely everything!), To get started, you need to learn how to use force and power of the concept of gradually increasing success. Let me explain that this is so and how it works.
In fact, on their own objectives that you want to achieve, have absolutely no value in terms of their reach. It is not important, what specifically they are - whether you want to earn a million dollars, shed 50 pounds of excess weight, learn French, or that there would be no more. It is important to others - in order to achieve its goal, it is necessary to achieve it gradually, step by step.
According to another is not. To achieve a significant goal in one fell swoop simply impossible. Perhaps this - the only impossible thing in our lives.
No one is able to earn a million dollars, do not start this business with earnings of at least one single dollar. Nobody will be able to shed 50 extra pounds of weight, not losing at the beginning of one extra pound. And no one will never be able to learn French, if you do not master the simple French words and their order in the sentence.
You see, as I have a clone?
Achievement is a goal is a gradual process. And it is necessary to understand that achieving any goal is the sum of a large number of relatively small developments, which are piling together bring you the success that you want to achieve.
Next, you need to firmly grasp - is the concept of temporary units.
Just as the character of the first movie of this article, you need to understand how over time, consistent with a gradual move towards the goal that you want to implement.
Home and regular time unit in our lives - this is a day. That is, the same 24-hour period, which repeats itself in our lives again and again - from the moment of our birth until the time of our departure from this world. That day is calculated absolute majority of the events in our lives.
Every day of our lives is a very important segment of time and if you seriously want to achieve the goal in front of you - you must take into account each of those days that you have already lived and those who have to live.
Now you understand why the usual «magic spell», reading «I'll start it tomorrow» is unambiguously strategy unattainability any of your goals?
Do not understand? Yes throw.
You know very well what is at stake. Suppose you want to create your own information product. The same, on sales which are going to make money in your own online business. Either you want to start a blog to communicate with the audience, building its reputation and promote their own products ... or create their own affiliate program.
Yes no matter what!
Reflect on these thoughts, you give yourself a promise: «I'll get it tomorrow», which themselves have with ease and take. But there comes the next day and happens the same. It takes a hundred days, and you either do not inch closer to the planned success.
Yes, simply because any success is gradually growing phenomenon, the sum of the implementation of small steps and small accomplishments (as they are called - intermediate) results. And for all these days you have not done a single step, have not reached any of the intermediate results. Accordingly, the amount of zeros is zero.
That's all your math.
Of course, now you begin me to say that every day you do begin to prevent the implementation of the planned work. Do not argue, may well have been. But what is important in terms of what you have achieved against the target? The law of gradual advances relentless, and it is useless to explain that yesterday you were so busy and so it did nothing, then yesterday you deflected it, and you again have done nothing ...
It just gives you a natural result of your efforts. Efforts have not been? No question - this means that there will be no results. Whatever the reasons you do not justify their behavior - to achieve the goal that does not help. Rather, only the compiler.
In any of the days of our lives is very easy to compromise with himself and «agree» that today, perhaps, you can postpone the planned, but «tomorrow» ... Tomorrow is another thing! Tomorrow we will begin to go to the gym! Tomorrow, we'll certainly start a new diet! Tomorrow, we'll certainly start the creation of information goods! Tomorrow we will start creating your own blog!
Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.
You'll laugh, but it is the «tomorrow» - is the main reason why the vast majority of people are making virtually nothing in his life. For this reason a result is always the same - takes some weeks, months and years, but you did absolutely nothing to achieve what the want with all thy soul and with all my heart ... to you one iota, and does not come close to translating their dreams into reality.
That's because far too easy to postpone for tomorrow what could well be done today.
Here's what you need to learn once and for all ...
You know, that was the turning point in my life? In this way, a turning point, after which I am a complete failure and eternal debtor has become a wealthy businessman and the most successful entrepreneur in the online? I understood and began to apply in your life a very important thing ...
If you seriously want to achieve something in your life, if you have the goal that you seriously want to achieve - you need to do at least something to achieve that goal every day.
This is an important idea that I would like to repeat it again:
FOR ABSOLUTELY ANY PURPOSE OF YOUR anything to do to achieve it EVERY DAY.
There is absolutely no significance as far as serious or opposite - small is that you have done on any given day in order to achieve its goal. It is important that every day you have to do so at least something. Then and only then you will be one day closer to achieving its goal and it will inevitably reach.
It sounds trite and simple?
Perhaps. But actually it is - a very powerful and real working concept.
For example, if you want to reset a number of unnecessary weight, go on foot every day at least polkilometra. Not kilometer. Not five kilometers. Polkilometra. Then each week you will receive three and a half kilometers. Proshagat three and a half kilometers long at a time for most people suffering from excess weight - the whole problem, but polkilometra does not cause any difficulties.
The vast majority of our major goals are as far-threatening, when we look at them at the outset. However, after step number one, then - step number two, step number three and so on, and suddenly noticed that this goal is not so far away and unreal. And business to achieve anything on a daily basis, some time was surprised to find that it's been a very significant part of the journey and the goal became much closer!
If we will keep postponing the implementation of the next step towards the goal at «tomorrow», and tomorrow - again «tomorrow», and so on - believe me: will be days, weeks, months, years ... and our goal is not simply will not come near -- it will be away from us.
And, with the «magic mantra of the future», we will not achieve its NEVER.
If you want your online business has grown and progressed, bringing you more and more revenue - you need to do at least something to ensure its growth and progress. Handling more letters that come to you via e-mail, or search for more information on the Web does not count - those operations, as necessary, money do not themselves generate. You need to do something every day to ensure a flow of income from your business - creating products, to produce content, test your selling texts, and so on.
Do not let slip away from you or one of the days of your life! Suppose that every day you're running at least a step approaching you to achieve the goal. If you will be guided by this approach, your life will not be able to not change for the better.
Nowhere it is not denetsya. This change necessarily - iron and strategy hundred percent success!
Even if you have you will be a small step and invisible - it will still be done, and you do not have to do it tomorrow. And then tomorrow you will make one more step, and thus become closer to achieving its goal!
And even if it happens to you every day, every day of your life, without exception.
Source: http://www.marketingsecrets.com
John Reese is an Internet Marketing pioneer that has been actively marketing online since 1990. John has sold millions of dollars worth of products and services online and his network of Web Sites have received over 1.4 BILLION Web Site visitors since their inception. You can learn more about John, his home study courses, and subscribe to his free ezine by visiting: http://www.marketingsecrets.com/
get all,
Internet Marketing,
John Reese,
my dream,
you dream
How to remove T-shirts advertising AdSubscribe, which requests to send SMS.
Today is the beginning shoot out t-shirts advertising, in the title, writes that from the service AdSubscribe.
When you try to click the link to the removal of ads, opens a window with the message that under the terms of the agreement need to look at ads 999 times, or send a paid SMS.
From the Task Manager it can be removed only with a browser (iexplorer or FireFox).
Long rummage and found the solution:
1. Finding all occurrences AdSubscribe on disk with the system it is in "C:\Documents and Settings\(username)\AdSubscribe\", delete the entire folder. "AdSubscribe.dll" can not delete it using the system. 'll either have to unload it, or enter into windsurfing in safe mode and delete it.
2. Registry Editor find all references to AdSubscribe and delete them.
You can search in the registry the location of the counter opening the windows and set 999, and then delete, but most likely инфа keep the counter is not in the clear!
In the folder "C:\Docujavascript:void(0)ments and Settings\(User Profile)\Application Data\AdSubscribe"
is the file ".dat" - the configuration file is in text form is a variable
ADSR = 999
actually advertise itself counter to zero and the correct run "uninstall.exe"
Original article here
Jun 18, 2009
John Kornok invention, known as Anti-Stab knife

Just do not say, «will have to cut»! Let's not aggression - and then such an invention would not be required. But all the same extra precaution never interfere.Enjoy John Kornoka to the invention, known as Anti-Stab knife (stab - punctured wound).
Company Kornoka New Point Knives intends to issue in the sale of this knife in October this year. It will be worth approximately $ 66-82.
According to the 42-year-old Kornoka, the history of his invention started in the beginning of May 2005, when his wife, Liz looked at the TV medical intervention. They said that kitchen knives are often lethal weapons, and called for a ban on the most dangerous designs. Spouses, this initiative hurt to the quick.
Kornok decided that the prohibition of "long knives" that are, in fact, inevitable, would give the opposite result. And he thought how to make "more intelligent" knife, which will reduce the number of accidental or intentional injuries.
Kornok recognizes that secure the knives can not be, in principle, but argues: the product of its construction will not be able to inflict a mortal wound.
In March of this year's opener Kornoka tested by the research unit of British Ministry of Internal Affairs, which has accepted the results of testing positive.
Anti-Stab knife,
John Kornok,
safe knife
A brand new flash DataTraveler 200 so far no analogues in the world - its capacity is already 128 gigabytes.

Company Kingston has finally been submitted formally record flash DataTraveler 200. To date, this is the most capacious device of this class in the world: the memory is 128 gigabytes.
New notable not only for its capacity. Do flash durable rubber casing, sporting design, built-in system password protection. DataTraveler 200 can operate in temperatures from 0 to 60 degrees Celsius. Manufacturer offers a five-year warranty. Also in the lineup available storage capacity of 64 and 32 gigabytes.
Cost of 128-gigabaytnoy flash: $500. The same is the new Asus 1000HV netbuk a hard disk of 160 gigabytes.

DataTraveler 200,
May 29, 2009
In all shocked! Mouse stuck in the printer!
All the accounting in shock!
Not able to resist, even if not in theme, but it's something!
Sent a picture, so with this text:
Speaking on ICQ.
- Hello! Our printer does not work!
- And what happened to him?
- Stuck mouse!
- Mouse? And with this printer?
- Hmmm ... now is the picture ...
- Http://povandy.averuga.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/myshka-v-printere.jpg
Not able to resist, even if not in theme, but it's something!
Sent a picture, so with this text:
Speaking on ICQ.
- Hello! Our printer does not work!
- And what happened to him?
- Stuck mouse!
- Mouse? And with this printer?
- Hmmm ... now is the picture ...
- Http://povandy.averuga.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/myshka-v-printere.jpg

How to remove pop-up advertising AdSubscribe, which requests to send SMS.
Today is the beginning shoot out t-shirts advertising, in the title, writes that from the service AdSubscribe.
When you try to click the link to the removal of ads, opens a window with the message that under the terms of the agreement need to look at ads 999 times, or send a paid SMS.
From the Task Manager it can be removed only with a browser (iexplorer or FireFox).
Long rummage and found the solution:
1. Finding all occurrences AdSubscribe on disk with the system it is in C:\Documents and Settings\(username)\AdSubscribe\, delete the entire folder. AdSubscribe.dll can not delete it using the system. 'll either have to unload it, or enter into windsurfing in safe mode and delete it.
2. Registry Editor find all references to AdSubscribe and delete them.
You can search in the registry the location of the counter opening the windows and set 999, and then delete, but most likely инфа keep the counter is not in the clear!
When you try to click the link to the removal of ads, opens a window with the message that under the terms of the agreement need to look at ads 999 times, or send a paid SMS.
From the Task Manager it can be removed only with a browser (iexplorer or FireFox).
Long rummage and found the solution:
1. Finding all occurrences AdSubscribe on disk with the system it is in C:\Documents and Settings\(username)\AdSubscribe\, delete the entire folder. AdSubscribe.dll can not delete it using the system. 'll either have to unload it, or enter into windsurfing in safe mode and delete it.
2. Registry Editor find all references to AdSubscribe and delete them.
You can search in the registry the location of the counter opening the windows and set 999, and then delete, but most likely инфа keep the counter is not in the clear!
May 13, 2009
CD «Mixtape King Vol. 1 »: Preview
A preliminary review of the long-awaited miksteyp
11 September 2007, - six-year anniversary of all the events in New York. But, in addition, this Tuesday, which means that the date of issuance of albums abroad. And lately it seems that in the part of the Internet, which is devoted to hip-hop culture, there are no other topics to discuss, except for the upcoming battles Kanye West and 50 Cent. Yes you did know about it no worse than me. But the most ridiculous, that for many of you this day, preparing a release, even povazhnee than albums overseas heavyweights. Because of recent information miksteyp SD «Mixtape King Vol. 1 »was released on 11 September.
I do not want to now talk about how fair and deservedly popular UnderWHAT? in our country (indeed, until all the same in our Runet). I do not want to analyze the causes and possible consequences of this phenomenon. The fact remains: Vitya popular, and with that, and me, and you have to accept.
Now there are more interesting cause for debate. To me fell into the hands of advance-version of this miksteypa. How can this happen, even if you remain a mystery. You can take, for example, that I am a hacker Hell. All the same it will never believe that the board of directors personally gave me blank (even more so this is really not very well). In any case, the fact remains: in front of me - mind! - 31 total track length of more than an hour and a half. Obviously, one disc is all the way will not be. Tracks marked 01-25 and then 01-06, so you can even suggest the idea of issuing miksteypa on two discs, that is unreal arrogantly and boldly ... Another possibility seems to release on one disc with bonus tracks or in mp3-format, or vylozhennymi Internet.
However, before the release still more than three weeks, the tracklisting is clearly inconclusive, something he could add something to it, probably, lost. And the title track, in most cases still working. But all this does not listen to the less interesting. Play!
01 - intro by Monk (Lil Jon Instr)
Gesture in the style of early «Andervotera».
02 - Know Who Remix ft NP Gerike Quota & Matt (Matt Quota Prod)
One of my favorite tracks from the album Gerike got a new life with the board:
Skank in blantah, whiskey in the Batlle
Notably, the Gerike has recorded a new couplet for this miksteypa.
03 - The Boss Remix ft & Chekist Ivanhoe (Ivanhoe Instr)
Another remix of a well-known on the track. Chekist, of course, it sounds somewhat weaker, but a CD is much more evil couplet:
... Not intelligent hoodlum,
Just Ham and rough,
Brazen as pizdets ...
04 - Do Dirt Rompe Flow (Daddy Yankee Instr)
Finally, the first solo track. The club song with a sudden slip of the board speed flow and abandoned refrain Daddy Yankee.
05 - Dead Or Alive Flow (Camron Instr)
Rifmovka board is suddenly reminded that there Serega, whether Ivanhoe:
The kid, I repe on your soul, as Dzhippers Krippers,
Kid, you're in the repe poeben, a small bird lapwing,
My style will remember thy - remembered ...
06 - Lean Back Flow ft Chekist & Lyons (Fat Joe Instr)
With such hit instrumentalami it is very difficult to do anything for miksteypa, because one way or another, will be compared with the original track. Especially if you leave overseas chorus, as done here. Unexpectedly good Lyon:
Come on, Lei dirt, I'm not afraid to fall.
Close the mouth, I have the best Jesus Christ ...
07 - In I give Remix ft Serega (Ilya Ferre Prod)
Minute CD couplet at minus «In I give».
To give all of ahue
I am thy maids fuck
I do not force
Sami climb, knots on my dick
On the dick, I need all your graters ...
08 - Get Em Flow (Jr Writer Instr)
Under the table blowjob
Well suspended language
Dense flow, yo
Do-do, mommy
You are with us today tusish
So be ready
To do this a long time, mommy
Well, in general, it is understandable. Moscow pornorep under negative Dipset.
09 - Guck My Man Flow ft Dunja & Chekist (Kool Savas & Azad Instr)
Track from Ddrop. This represents a small, imbued with the spirit, khm, unity. Well, as always, Dunja:
And obviously opposed to our phonogram
From a range of commands with the same votes.
10 - Mas You know who Baby Girl Flow ft NP Gerike (Jim Jones Instr)
Gorilla again, this time with an exclusive track. Board in his style:
I am involved and wrapped - not doebatsya.
Not «ellipsis» - directly, without punctuation.
Gerike excellent - probably one of the best couplets in miksteype.
11 - London London Flow (Fergie Instr)
Duet with Fergie, in which a voice similar to a board of directors suddenly ... Drago. Pornorep again, in general:
You skachesh to me like a ball
Vstaesh cancer as zapravskaya damn,
The language you pet him.
Ma, I am to you for the person.
In this context, particularly amusing refrain heard in the performance of Fergie ...
12 - CD and $ t ft $ t (Crime Mobb Instr)
This board and ST
On the head crown
Our track is strictly for all
With such names, of course, sin is not to write a joint track. And, of course, represents spiteful.
13 - I will teach you Der Chief Flow (Fler Instr)
Excellent panchlayn:
All of our lives - the game
All of your life - needle
In general, except for this could be nothing to read here. County, my friends, all the cases.
14 - Breathe Flow (Fabolous Instr)
This is not a new Russian rap,
And I do not barbate nannies ...
Understandably hint, yes?
15 - Do you want to be with us Let's Do It Flow ft Dunja (Method Man & Redman Instr)
Another decoration miksteypa a couplet Duni. Even pity quotes from his couplet - listen to themselves in time. Generally, it is format club track with the desired degree of banality.
16 - Bury Me A G Flow (Young Jeezy Instr)
Then, as I understand it, cunning drama with a vengeance to a traitor to the repetition of the word «bitch» across the floor.
17 - Нахуй Rumble Young Man Rumble Flow ft Da Art & Joker of PR (Juelz Santana Insr)
The central, perhaps, hit miksteypa. It seems the same as that for the rest of the disc, represents the same, the same pathos, smiksovanny with aggression, but it is here, perhaps, came in one place all the necessary components: instrumental, feed the guests, a simple but powerful panchlayn ( see title).
18 - Do not approach near ft Tommy of MoneyMakaz (Moob Deep Instr)
Back street, again areas ( «Sokolinaya», «Kutuzov»):
Near my area and my пацаны my yard, my street.
You know the board? Do not know I sinned,
You can not love me, but is obliged to know all the same
In fact, a logical extension (repetition?) Song «My District» (Ddrop fy. Jino).
19 - Your Kumir ft Da Art & Slou Flow (Ak Beatz Instr)
Not so much pathos, as paf-paf you.
Unexpectedly quiet track, though again, represents a classic.
20 - Swan Remix ft Bianca (Bianca Instr)
It does not fit into the miksteyp composition. Romantic, lyuboff, la-la-la ... And many frightening Bianchi. Very unexpected, of course, the line CD.
21 - Leather So Soft Flow ft Nike of MoneyMakaz (Lil Wayne Instr)
It seems that the board had already podustal these tracks, and, most strange, that it is quite a person. Gone aggression, there is something almost no gravity. Almost meditative track.
22 - Death Rap Flow ft Joker of P.R. (Necro Instr)
Return «classic» CD, declaring war on the entire Russian-speaking underground. Powerful track, but this style is already podnadoela ...
23 - I'm just a board of directors (Bushido Instr)
Do not believe it is a social rap.
The harsh reality is alone.
Near the distinguished mayor of bald builds the house,
And it is us hardly feels for the people.
In Russia, without бабла you never gave up, I believe.
But I only CD,
And it is unlikely that I have changed the world,
I wish only happiness for those who love.
I want my mom cried at night less
And that friends are not killed.
More people know themselves.
Emo-rap is about, you know ... A very unexpected turn of events.
24 - The last number Remix ft Ivanhoe (Ivanhoe Instr)
Pomereschilos appears. Here, everything is fine, everything is in order. SD and Ivanhoe - in fact, it would be logical if this was the last track on miksteype.
25 - I Rap Remix ft St1m, Yes Art, Lyon, El Bint, Coddy & Dizer (Ilya Ferre Prod)
Another remix of the already very boring track. And this version of me seemed weaker than the one clip, filmed in the Ukraine. Very strange, for example, the sound breaks in couplet Dusty.
01 - Rap is not Sdohnet (Nas Instr)
Excellent interpretation of the track «Hip-Hop Is Dead». And very cool that the board is re-bob.
02 - All Pohuy (Fat Joe Instr)
Same as in most of the previous track, only this time a bit «Make It Rain».
03 - Each MC In Rashe (Moob Deep Instr)
And this time - a «Burn».
04 - Peter Soset, Moscow Solves (Kach Diss) (Fler Instr)
But it has been interesting. A normal, hard, even though quite a primitive response group Kach. Even pity that MasterBoy is not likely to hear this track ...
05 - cherries Down And Out Flow (Camron Instr)
One of the few tracks vylozhennyh Internet.
06 - boyfriend Remix ft Sue (Sue Inst)
Unexpected remix for quite a fresh hit. The unique combination of tin and glamor of street R & B.
Let some results. Except for a few tracks released miksteyp if not monotonous, it is very, eee, solid. And then each of you has to decide whether you're listening to a long period of time are similar to each other, as odnoyaytsovye twins, evil and aggressive represents the board, lightly seasoned porn tracks about, for example, blowjob under the table. Monotony, however, skrashivaetsya plenty of visitors, although not all of them fit is as good as the NP Gerike, Dunja, $ t and the Joker.
Note that the tracks do not smiksovany with each other - perhaps this will be remedied over time. But at this point it may even have some positive meaning: it is very convenient to retain a few tracks and liked to listen to their already separated. Because personally for me an hour and a half Vitino pathos - this enumeration.
Once again I remind you that before the release of the remaining months, and many in this miksteype can change.
World news
11 September 2007, - six-year anniversary of all the events in New York. But, in addition, this Tuesday, which means that the date of issuance of albums abroad. And lately it seems that in the part of the Internet, which is devoted to hip-hop culture, there are no other topics to discuss, except for the upcoming battles Kanye West and 50 Cent. Yes you did know about it no worse than me. But the most ridiculous, that for many of you this day, preparing a release, even povazhnee than albums overseas heavyweights. Because of recent information miksteyp SD «Mixtape King Vol. 1 »was released on 11 September.
I do not want to now talk about how fair and deservedly popular UnderWHAT? in our country (indeed, until all the same in our Runet). I do not want to analyze the causes and possible consequences of this phenomenon. The fact remains: Vitya popular, and with that, and me, and you have to accept.
Now there are more interesting cause for debate. To me fell into the hands of advance-version of this miksteypa. How can this happen, even if you remain a mystery. You can take, for example, that I am a hacker Hell. All the same it will never believe that the board of directors personally gave me blank (even more so this is really not very well). In any case, the fact remains: in front of me - mind! - 31 total track length of more than an hour and a half. Obviously, one disc is all the way will not be. Tracks marked 01-25 and then 01-06, so you can even suggest the idea of issuing miksteypa on two discs, that is unreal arrogantly and boldly ... Another possibility seems to release on one disc with bonus tracks or in mp3-format, or vylozhennymi Internet.
However, before the release still more than three weeks, the tracklisting is clearly inconclusive, something he could add something to it, probably, lost. And the title track, in most cases still working. But all this does not listen to the less interesting. Play!
01 - intro by Monk (Lil Jon Instr)
Gesture in the style of early «Andervotera».
02 - Know Who Remix ft NP Gerike Quota & Matt (Matt Quota Prod)
One of my favorite tracks from the album Gerike got a new life with the board:
Skank in blantah, whiskey in the Batlle
Notably, the Gerike has recorded a new couplet for this miksteypa.
03 - The Boss Remix ft & Chekist Ivanhoe (Ivanhoe Instr)
Another remix of a well-known on the track. Chekist, of course, it sounds somewhat weaker, but a CD is much more evil couplet:
... Not intelligent hoodlum,
Just Ham and rough,
Brazen as pizdets ...
04 - Do Dirt Rompe Flow (Daddy Yankee Instr)
Finally, the first solo track. The club song with a sudden slip of the board speed flow and abandoned refrain Daddy Yankee.
05 - Dead Or Alive Flow (Camron Instr)
Rifmovka board is suddenly reminded that there Serega, whether Ivanhoe:
The kid, I repe on your soul, as Dzhippers Krippers,
Kid, you're in the repe poeben, a small bird lapwing,
My style will remember thy - remembered ...
06 - Lean Back Flow ft Chekist & Lyons (Fat Joe Instr)
With such hit instrumentalami it is very difficult to do anything for miksteypa, because one way or another, will be compared with the original track. Especially if you leave overseas chorus, as done here. Unexpectedly good Lyon:
Come on, Lei dirt, I'm not afraid to fall.
Close the mouth, I have the best Jesus Christ ...
07 - In I give Remix ft Serega (Ilya Ferre Prod)
Minute CD couplet at minus «In I give».
To give all of ahue
I am thy maids fuck
I do not force
Sami climb, knots on my dick
On the dick, I need all your graters ...
08 - Get Em Flow (Jr Writer Instr)
Under the table blowjob
Well suspended language
Dense flow, yo
Do-do, mommy
You are with us today tusish
So be ready
To do this a long time, mommy
Well, in general, it is understandable. Moscow pornorep under negative Dipset.
09 - Guck My Man Flow ft Dunja & Chekist (Kool Savas & Azad Instr)
Track from Ddrop. This represents a small, imbued with the spirit, khm, unity. Well, as always, Dunja:
And obviously opposed to our phonogram
From a range of commands with the same votes.
10 - Mas You know who Baby Girl Flow ft NP Gerike (Jim Jones Instr)
Gorilla again, this time with an exclusive track. Board in his style:
I am involved and wrapped - not doebatsya.
Not «ellipsis» - directly, without punctuation.
Gerike excellent - probably one of the best couplets in miksteype.
11 - London London Flow (Fergie Instr)
Duet with Fergie, in which a voice similar to a board of directors suddenly ... Drago. Pornorep again, in general:
You skachesh to me like a ball
Vstaesh cancer as zapravskaya damn,
The language you pet him.
Ma, I am to you for the person.
In this context, particularly amusing refrain heard in the performance of Fergie ...
12 - CD and $ t ft $ t (Crime Mobb Instr)
This board and ST
On the head crown
Our track is strictly for all
With such names, of course, sin is not to write a joint track. And, of course, represents spiteful.
13 - I will teach you Der Chief Flow (Fler Instr)
Excellent panchlayn:
All of our lives - the game
All of your life - needle
In general, except for this could be nothing to read here. County, my friends, all the cases.
14 - Breathe Flow (Fabolous Instr)
This is not a new Russian rap,
And I do not barbate nannies ...
Understandably hint, yes?
15 - Do you want to be with us Let's Do It Flow ft Dunja (Method Man & Redman Instr)
Another decoration miksteypa a couplet Duni. Even pity quotes from his couplet - listen to themselves in time. Generally, it is format club track with the desired degree of banality.
16 - Bury Me A G Flow (Young Jeezy Instr)
Then, as I understand it, cunning drama with a vengeance to a traitor to the repetition of the word «bitch» across the floor.
17 - Нахуй Rumble Young Man Rumble Flow ft Da Art & Joker of PR (Juelz Santana Insr)
The central, perhaps, hit miksteypa. It seems the same as that for the rest of the disc, represents the same, the same pathos, smiksovanny with aggression, but it is here, perhaps, came in one place all the necessary components: instrumental, feed the guests, a simple but powerful panchlayn ( see title).
18 - Do not approach near ft Tommy of MoneyMakaz (Moob Deep Instr)
Back street, again areas ( «Sokolinaya», «Kutuzov»):
Near my area and my пацаны my yard, my street.
You know the board? Do not know I sinned,
You can not love me, but is obliged to know all the same
In fact, a logical extension (repetition?) Song «My District» (Ddrop fy. Jino).
19 - Your Kumir ft Da Art & Slou Flow (Ak Beatz Instr)
Not so much pathos, as paf-paf you.
Unexpectedly quiet track, though again, represents a classic.
20 - Swan Remix ft Bianca (Bianca Instr)
It does not fit into the miksteyp composition. Romantic, lyuboff, la-la-la ... And many frightening Bianchi. Very unexpected, of course, the line CD.
21 - Leather So Soft Flow ft Nike of MoneyMakaz (Lil Wayne Instr)
It seems that the board had already podustal these tracks, and, most strange, that it is quite a person. Gone aggression, there is something almost no gravity. Almost meditative track.
22 - Death Rap Flow ft Joker of P.R. (Necro Instr)
Return «classic» CD, declaring war on the entire Russian-speaking underground. Powerful track, but this style is already podnadoela ...
23 - I'm just a board of directors (Bushido Instr)
Do not believe it is a social rap.
The harsh reality is alone.
Near the distinguished mayor of bald builds the house,
And it is us hardly feels for the people.
In Russia, without бабла you never gave up, I believe.
But I only CD,
And it is unlikely that I have changed the world,
I wish only happiness for those who love.
I want my mom cried at night less
And that friends are not killed.
More people know themselves.
Emo-rap is about, you know ... A very unexpected turn of events.
24 - The last number Remix ft Ivanhoe (Ivanhoe Instr)
Pomereschilos appears. Here, everything is fine, everything is in order. SD and Ivanhoe - in fact, it would be logical if this was the last track on miksteype.
25 - I Rap Remix ft St1m, Yes Art, Lyon, El Bint, Coddy & Dizer (Ilya Ferre Prod)
Another remix of the already very boring track. And this version of me seemed weaker than the one clip, filmed in the Ukraine. Very strange, for example, the sound breaks in couplet Dusty.
01 - Rap is not Sdohnet (Nas Instr)
Excellent interpretation of the track «Hip-Hop Is Dead». And very cool that the board is re-bob.
02 - All Pohuy (Fat Joe Instr)
Same as in most of the previous track, only this time a bit «Make It Rain».
03 - Each MC In Rashe (Moob Deep Instr)
And this time - a «Burn».
04 - Peter Soset, Moscow Solves (Kach Diss) (Fler Instr)
But it has been interesting. A normal, hard, even though quite a primitive response group Kach. Even pity that MasterBoy is not likely to hear this track ...
05 - cherries Down And Out Flow (Camron Instr)
One of the few tracks vylozhennyh Internet.
06 - boyfriend Remix ft Sue (Sue Inst)
Unexpected remix for quite a fresh hit. The unique combination of tin and glamor of street R & B.
Let some results. Except for a few tracks released miksteyp if not monotonous, it is very, eee, solid. And then each of you has to decide whether you're listening to a long period of time are similar to each other, as odnoyaytsovye twins, evil and aggressive represents the board, lightly seasoned porn tracks about, for example, blowjob under the table. Monotony, however, skrashivaetsya plenty of visitors, although not all of them fit is as good as the NP Gerike, Dunja, $ t and the Joker.
Note that the tracks do not smiksovany with each other - perhaps this will be remedied over time. But at this point it may even have some positive meaning: it is very convenient to retain a few tracks and liked to listen to their already separated. Because personally for me an hour and a half Vitino pathos - this enumeration.
Once again I remind you that before the release of the remaining months, and many in this miksteype can change.
World news
Influenza A/H1N1 virus found in Japan and Australia
The presence of virus confirmed by four people: three in Japan, and one woman in Australia. This transmits Reuters. According to the Japanese authorities, cases of infection confirmed by passengers, arrived in Japan from Detroit. All affected hospitals. The remaining 49 passengers flying this flight, sent a check.

In Australia, one woman complained that during his stay in the United States she had symptoms similar to influenza. Results of tests showed a weak presence of the virus A/H1N1. Now the patient is fully recovered, the risk of transmission of the virus, it does not.
Second on the mainland of China, human case of influenza A/H1N1 revealed on Tuesday, the Ministry of Health, PRC. Diseased - 19-year-old student - May 8, arrived by plane from Canada to Beijing. On Sunday, he felt bad, he picked up the temperature, however, on Monday, he traveled by train from Beijing to the administrative center of the eastern city of Jinan, Shandong province. In the way the patient deteriorated, and he sought medical help to train doctors. The doctors suspected that the patient influenza A/H1N1. Upon arrival in Jinan young man immediately taken to the city's isolation hospital, where previously confirmed the diagnosis of medical brigade trains. Ministry of Health has asked all passengers to the flight, with whom the patient flew from Canada and who were sitting in close proximity to diseased (contains rows of seats on the plane), as well as the seventh coach passenger train, which he followed from Beijing to Jinan, show awareness and take medical examination. Previously, it was reported that influenza A/H1N1 patient was detected in the province of Sichuan, where he arrived from the United States. In the Beijing airport imposed tight control over coming from countries which recorded the spread of highly strain of influenza A/H1N1. Thus, as of Tuesday, with the help of thermal identified 738 persons with fever, 54 of them hospitalized for a medical examination. The authorities warned that all arriving in China with a bad feeling obliged to voluntarily report to the medical personnel at the intersection of the Chinese border. For concealment of information on the health status of convicted faces a fine of $ 150 to $ 1,5 thousand

In Australia, one woman complained that during his stay in the United States she had symptoms similar to influenza. Results of tests showed a weak presence of the virus A/H1N1. Now the patient is fully recovered, the risk of transmission of the virus, it does not.
Second on the mainland of China, human case of influenza A/H1N1 revealed on Tuesday, the Ministry of Health, PRC. Diseased - 19-year-old student - May 8, arrived by plane from Canada to Beijing. On Sunday, he felt bad, he picked up the temperature, however, on Monday, he traveled by train from Beijing to the administrative center of the eastern city of Jinan, Shandong province. In the way the patient deteriorated, and he sought medical help to train doctors. The doctors suspected that the patient influenza A/H1N1. Upon arrival in Jinan young man immediately taken to the city's isolation hospital, where previously confirmed the diagnosis of medical brigade trains. Ministry of Health has asked all passengers to the flight, with whom the patient flew from Canada and who were sitting in close proximity to diseased (contains rows of seats on the plane), as well as the seventh coach passenger train, which he followed from Beijing to Jinan, show awareness and take medical examination. Previously, it was reported that influenza A/H1N1 patient was detected in the province of Sichuan, where he arrived from the United States. In the Beijing airport imposed tight control over coming from countries which recorded the spread of highly strain of influenza A/H1N1. Thus, as of Tuesday, with the help of thermal identified 738 persons with fever, 54 of them hospitalized for a medical examination. The authorities warned that all arriving in China with a bad feeling obliged to voluntarily report to the medical personnel at the intersection of the Chinese border. For concealment of information on the health status of convicted faces a fine of $ 150 to $ 1,5 thousand
pig flu virus,
virus found,
virus in Australia,
virus in Japan
Tractors on the hydrogen cell New Holland NH2.

From childhood we all have been fascinated by big machines that surround us in everyday life. But when these machines are still working on the hydrogen cell and does not pollute the environment, it is just fine.
Was recently presented tractor New Holland NH2 which operates on hydrogen cells. Batteries no emissions during operation and generates about 106 horsepower. Tractor runs on electric motors, which have enough tank capacity to 1.5 - 2 hours of work. Of course this is not so much, but it is still a prototype, although already and is ready for commercial use.

May 6, 2009
Russians are not facing pig flu
The Russian authorities take all necessary measures to prevent the entry into and proliferation of porcine influenza virus, real storms to the Russians yet, said the head of Russia Tatiana Golikova MHSD.
"Now is difficult to make predictions, how big a threat to pig flu. But the measures to be taken in such cases, accepted. If we talk about his arrival from abroad of potentially sick people and the flow of potentially contaminated meat, all the measures to curb these opportunities taken. Of course, there may be cases of diseases, from this no one is safe, but talk is a real risk for Russian citizens can not ", - said Golikova.
World Health Organization formally confirmed 114 human cases of influenza pork. Disease reported in Mexico, the United States, Canada, Israel, New Zealand and Europe. In Russia, a government commission to prevent the penetration of the virus in the country, banned the supply of meat from Mexico and several U.S. states.
Diseases of swine influenza in Mexico and several other countries due to a hybrid influenza virus type A (H1N1), a combination of antigens which were not previously seen in influenza viruses that cause disease in humans or pigs. Influenza virus type "A" represents a significant risk in epidemiological terms, as capable of rapid genetic change. A diseased pork Influenza temperature rises, there is a cough, runny nose, headache and muscle pain, in some cases there are vomiting and diarrhea.
WHO has raised the threat level prior to a pandemic influenza pig from 4 to 5 on a scale shestiballnoy.
"Now is difficult to make predictions, how big a threat to pig flu. But the measures to be taken in such cases, accepted. If we talk about his arrival from abroad of potentially sick people and the flow of potentially contaminated meat, all the measures to curb these opportunities taken. Of course, there may be cases of diseases, from this no one is safe, but talk is a real risk for Russian citizens can not ", - said Golikova.
World Health Organization formally confirmed 114 human cases of influenza pork. Disease reported in Mexico, the United States, Canada, Israel, New Zealand and Europe. In Russia, a government commission to prevent the penetration of the virus in the country, banned the supply of meat from Mexico and several U.S. states.
Diseases of swine influenza in Mexico and several other countries due to a hybrid influenza virus type A (H1N1), a combination of antigens which were not previously seen in influenza viruses that cause disease in humans or pigs. Influenza virus type "A" represents a significant risk in epidemiological terms, as capable of rapid genetic change. A diseased pork Influenza temperature rises, there is a cough, runny nose, headache and muscle pain, in some cases there are vomiting and diarrhea.
WHO has raised the threat level prior to a pandemic influenza pig from 4 to 5 on a scale shestiballnoy.
May 4, 2009
The most stylish perfume of spring
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Your style and personality reflected in the clothing and fragrance that you wear every day. Fun and flirtatious person will feel irresistible aroma of Pretty by Elizabeth Arden - a mixture of feminine fragrance of pink lilies, creamy scent of flowers and orange tree. Romantic style in clothes perfectly complement the Eden Island Michael Kors Bermuda - an exotic blend of red hibiscus and tropical flower of passion. " Sexuality underline Onde Vertige by Giorgio Armani - the aroma of passionate eastern notes patchouli. And to prefer the most natural style and fresh flavors like Twilight of Sarah Jessica Parker - an explosive sense of smell of mandarin and pink peony.
Cheryl Cole in fancy leather trousers with lightning between the legs

Cheryl Cole has demonstrated its new fashionable narrow trousers of polyvinyl with lightning between his legs.
Spring Fashion 2009: ryushi dress (ruffles)!

Despite the cooler weather, the feeling of spring's in the air. Add a proportion of romance to your spring wardrobe, and pay attention to the fashionable spring trend - ryushi. In various versions and transformation.
Oops, she did it again! New mad love Britney Spears

Apr 29, 2009
Ex-Governor of New York will not make accusations of embezzlement of funds for prostitutes
Spitzer drew attention to the Tax Service due to the transfers of large sums of money to accounts escort service. In March 2008 he was forced to admit that is a customer service, and was forced to resign from his post as governor of the state. For different versions, as governor, Spitzer spent on prostitutes from 15 to 80 thousand dollars, but the evidence that it was taxpayers' money, rather than his personal, was not found.
Cpittser married and has three children. Until the election of the governor of New York, he served as chief prosecutor and the state earned a reputation rejects crime fighter.
Thousands of Muscovites watched the passage of military equipment at the center of Moscow
Thousands of Muscovites and guests of the capital came tonight at the main street of a megacity? Tver? to see the passage of military hardware on Red Square. Of the night they held the first rehearsal of military parade, which traditionally take place at the walls of the Kremlin in the Victory Day, May 9.
In fencing, exposed to Tverskoy between sidewalks and the roadway, almost no free mesta.Lyudi monitor the passage technology, many take this historic event on their mobile camera phones and send MMS messages with photos of relatives and friends.
Pleases at Tverskoy Muscovites and guests of the city and a really warm weather, which established in the metropolitan region.
Meanwhile, preparations for the Victory parade, brought inconvenience to motorists, since the passage of military equipment, which should be of Khodynskoe field on Red Square was blocked vehicular traffic on several main streets. However, according to one of their drivers, drivers' leaders will understand the problems of this kind, since May 9 celebration for us - it is sacred ".
According to ITAR-TASS in the metropolitan traffic police, in connection with conduct rehearsals on the Red Square military parade will be restricted to vehicular traffic on 28 April from 20:00 until the end of events ".
Movement limit on Khodynskoe field engineered the passage of 5506 engineered the passage of 5509, Leningrad Prospect streets 1 -ya Tverskaya-Yamskaya, Tverskaya, Manege Square, streets Mokhovaya, Okhotny series on Vasilyevsky Spusk Moskvoretskaya Kremlin and embankments, Borovitskaya Square Vozdvizhenka streets and Novy Arbat, Novinsky Boulevard, the streets Садово-Kudrinskaya and Bolshaya Sadovaya, Triumphal Square, Kitaigorodsky travel Ilyinsky down, streets and Varvarka Ilinka, Big Moskvoretskaya bridge, street Moskvoretskaya on embankments? Prechistenskaya, Swamp, Podhorsky, Bernikovskoy, Ustinskoy and a brilliant night coast, on Ustinskomu travel, streets Podhorsky, Yauzskiy, Solianke and Solyanskomu travel.
On the same streets will be restricted traffic from 20:00 on 30 April and 4 May and from 8 am on May 7.
Representatives traffic police appeal to drivers with a request to be extremely careful in advance to choose alternative routes, strictly comply with the requirements of road signs, requirements and guidance to staff road-patrol service .
Colombian drug barons in the United States was sentenced to 30 years in prison
A well-known Colombian drug barons Eugenio Montoya Sanchez, accused in the illegal importation of narcotics to the United States in the total amount of ten billion dollars, was sentenced to 30 years in prison. The relevant court rendered a verdict in Miami (USA, Florida).
According to the investigation, 39-year-old Eugenio Montoya Sanchez led financial operations of Colombian drug cartels in the famous area of North Valley, and led the gangs of his hometown brat.V during the investigation, the accused admitted his guilt on the charges against him of smuggling cocaine and money laundering .
The alleged leader of the factions - Diego Montoya Sanchez - now also in custody in the U.S. state of Miami, but still refuses to acknowledge their involvement in drug smuggling. Another of their brothers - Juan Carlos Montoya Sanchez - already serving a sentence in the U.S. 22-year jail term for drug smuggling, ITAR-TASS.
HP is preparing the first laptop with a GeForce 3D Vision?
According to Taiwanese newspaper Commercial Times, HP is now actively preparing the first gaming laptop to support technology GeForce 3D Vision, developed by NVIDIA. This technology has attracted increasing interest not only by gamers, but professionals, but for some reason thought that it will initially be implemented on desktop, but not on the laptop.
According to Taiwanese sources, the model is developed with the direct participation of Wistron, and it will be officially presented at the end of the quarter.
The foundation technology GeForce 3D Vision serve LCD display with a refresh display and 120 Hz LCD glasses with active closures. The left and right closures of on and off independently of each other, and each eye sees only the image intended for it. But both pictures give the impression of depth and volume, and the brain sees a three-dimensional image. Apart from the glasses and the LCD panel, the other not less important component of this technology is a powerful graphics processor NVIDIA.
Wistron has abstained from commenting on this issue.
Source: Slash Gear
Core i7 hits record
D0, which is considered a leader among the processors for desktop systems from Intel. As XbitLabs, it just works wonders, and if, before the last time AMD had some consolation that, they say, its Phenom II X4 processors are an excellent accelerating potential, after the arrival of Core i7 975 Extreme Edition D0, of the pride of little that is, writes Nordic Hardware.
It turns out, Core i7 975 XE audit D0 has a fantastic accelerating potential, and it easily could disperse up to 5 GHz, and the note on the air. For comparison, clocked Phenom II X4 955 can be raised to 4.14 GHz on air by increasing the operating voltage processor. Recall that the nominal clock frequency of the Core i7 975 XE D0 at 133 MHz higher than the Phenom II X4 955.
The results of testing Core i7 975 XE revision D0, conducted PcCriminal and Yoko, the two participants Xbit Labs, show that they really were able to disperse this processor up to 5015 MHz "on air". In doing so, they used a fan Thermalright Ultra 120. When the working voltage of 1.52 V and frequency 4750 MHz was obtained in the test result 1M SuperPi. During the tests the air temperature does not exceed 20 degrees Celsius.
Configuration of the test platform is as follows:
- CPU Core i7 975 ES
- Motherboard BioStar Tpower (0406)
- Fan Thermalright Ultra 120 RT
- Built into the body of the fan San Ace 102CFM
- RAM - Dominator 1866
- Graphics Card Radeon HD 4890
- SSD drive Transcend 32 GB
- Power Giga-EZ 1000 W
However, processors Core i7 audit D0 indeed work wonders. Of course, not everyone can disperse them to the frequencies, but now we know they have a very large potential.
core i7,
hits record,
i7 975,
phenom II,
processors core
Porcine influenza pandemic will affect every fourth inhabitant of the planet
Pig flu virus threatens a quarter of the world's population. According to expert estimates, the World Health Organization (WHO), within two years of deadly disease could spread worldwide, killing seven million people.
As epidemiologists predict virus N1H1, the victims of which are already over 150 people in Mexico, could spread throughout the world for 18-24 months, infected during this time period to 1.5 billion people. The number of deaths that are projected by WHO to reach seven million. And it was only the pig flu: experts fear that the spread of the disease significantly affect the quality of health services at the expense of overcrowding in hospitals and a shortage of staff around the world.
«During the SARS epidemic we have faced the fact that people suffering from cancer and similar diseases, they could not get treatment because of overcrowding in hospitals - says an expert on infectious diseases Dr Lo Win-Luc. - This resulted in a significant mortality hanging ».
Meanwhile, experts have not yet been taken to predict the likelihood of a pandemic influenza pig. As was reported earlier, the WHO has decided to raise the threat of exposure to the virus prior to the fourth N1H1. The next step, a fifth means that the virus adapted to human body and is distributed around the world, six, extreme, the degree - that the disease has become a global epidemic.
As noted by CNN, the last time the world is faced with a pandemic, more than 40 years ago, when Hong Kong flu, proshagav throughout the world, killing nearly a million people. The issue of recognition of the pandemic was raised during the recent outbreaks of avian influenza and SARS, but the viruses that cause these diseases have not been able to spread from person to person.
«Pork flu has passed from person to person, as a result of its much harder to control», - said the head of the department of Microbiology, University of Hong Kong Dr. K. Yen. In addition, the virus N1H1, according to experts, will make every effort to survive and can mutate into an even more serious threat.
Apr 28, 2009
George W. Bush fell off his bike
George W. Bush fell off his bike, the television station NTV. He go to his Texas ranch, decided to move from the hill, but lost control. Damage chin, upper lip, nose, right hand and both knees. Reuters notes: on the ranch, President pointed end of the college one of the daughters.
Press Office White House reported that the injury did not change the working schedule of the Head of State. For example, on Monday, Bush should make a televised speech on United States policy in Iraq.
Judging by the staff made a few hours ago, in the Dallas airport, stylists make maximum effort to cover up the failures Cycling.
This is not the first such incident with Bush. Two years ago he appeared in public with a black eye. At home while watching a baseball game master White House suppressed salt krendelkom, fainted and hit on the chair.
U.S. President Bush scratched his nose and knees from falling down from the bike
George W. Bush,
Press Office,
White House,
World news
«Family - this is the most important ...»
4 Mar, 1949 in the department of the district registry office SORMOVSKIY solemnly recorded the appearance of a young family Chaparinyh. And now, after 60 years of life, Rimma Ivanovna and Vladimir noted their Diamond Wedding. On this joyous day, the spouses have been, as to remember ...
Homeland Vladimir - Village Gorbunova Gorodetskogo area. At the age of 17 young people enrolled in the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute. In 1941, barely enough to protect the diploma work, he went to the front. For four years the Great Patriotic War and the campaign in the Far East, a senior lieutenant Chaparin was awarded a medal «For the victory over Germany», «For the taking of Königsberg», «In the victory over Japan», orders of Red Star and «World War II». And after the war - and the Medal of Zhukov. In 1947, Vladimir moved to the city of Gorky, started at the plant «Krasnoye Sormovo» department chief designer (WGC) for the position of design engineer. Rimma Ivanovna was born in the village of Old Tepelevo Novgorod region. In 1926 she moved with her parents in the city of Gorky, after graduation entered the medical faculty of the Gorky Medical Institute. In September 1947, a young specialist came to the allocation to the hospital, decorated in a local school, a few months later became a physician at the hospital number 12.
Future wife met in 1948 when Rimma Ivanovna visited Vladimir as a physician of the precinct. Already in March 1949 on the young people chose to enter into a legal marriage. Chapariny remember well that day, although it is not different today's pomposity:
- Each of us then an hour to beg off work. We quickly signed up, and then again went to the service. Happy event has already pointed out the evening with my family and close friends - says Rimma Ivanovna.
Do Chaparinyh born son Alexander and daughter Larissa, who were a delight and the sense of their lives. About his wife, Rimma Ivanovna said proudly, and only the good:
- My husband - Jack of all trades. During our life together, I never had to own anything pin, fix it. And how he loves his son with a daughter! Vladimir himself in the large family has grown accustomed to taking care of their loved ones. I and the children were always with him, like a stone wall.
When asked what is the secret to a lasting happy marriage, Vladimir and Rimma Ivanovna answer this way:
- Family - this is the most important in life. It should be cherished, it must be preserved. " Of course, the situation may be different, but always something to forgive, which is to give up and understand your own rights.
Larisa, daughter anniversary, warmly tells of his childhood memories:
- I never heard that parents are cursing. They have always been friendly, caring, trying to give us children the best. I still believe that the ideal family should be exactly that.
Now Vladimir and Rimma Ivanovna, four grandchildren and five grandchildren, the youngest of whom, Vovochka total godik. «All of them - our main wealth», - confidently say Chapariny wife. Younger generations will never forget about the older - children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren often visit Vladimir and Rimma Ivanovna, almost every day, call them on the phone, handle their well-being. Well, holidays are traditionally gather for a large table. And there is no happiness - to feel the love, caring and sincere joy of native people and to understand - whatever happens, you will always remain the most important - your family. On the day of his anniversary Chapariny signed in symbolic Institute record of marriage. Vladimir and Rimma Ivanovna brought greetings from SORMOVSKIY Division registry office, as well as a small gift.
Homeland Vladimir - Village Gorbunova Gorodetskogo area. At the age of 17 young people enrolled in the Sverdlovsk Mining Institute. In 1941, barely enough to protect the diploma work, he went to the front. For four years the Great Patriotic War and the campaign in the Far East, a senior lieutenant Chaparin was awarded a medal «For the victory over Germany», «For the taking of Königsberg», «In the victory over Japan», orders of Red Star and «World War II». And after the war - and the Medal of Zhukov. In 1947, Vladimir moved to the city of Gorky, started at the plant «Krasnoye Sormovo» department chief designer (WGC) for the position of design engineer. Rimma Ivanovna was born in the village of Old Tepelevo Novgorod region. In 1926 she moved with her parents in the city of Gorky, after graduation entered the medical faculty of the Gorky Medical Institute. In September 1947, a young specialist came to the allocation to the hospital, decorated in a local school, a few months later became a physician at the hospital number 12.
Future wife met in 1948 when Rimma Ivanovna visited Vladimir as a physician of the precinct. Already in March 1949 on the young people chose to enter into a legal marriage. Chapariny remember well that day, although it is not different today's pomposity:
- Each of us then an hour to beg off work. We quickly signed up, and then again went to the service. Happy event has already pointed out the evening with my family and close friends - says Rimma Ivanovna.
Do Chaparinyh born son Alexander and daughter Larissa, who were a delight and the sense of their lives. About his wife, Rimma Ivanovna said proudly, and only the good:
- My husband - Jack of all trades. During our life together, I never had to own anything pin, fix it. And how he loves his son with a daughter! Vladimir himself in the large family has grown accustomed to taking care of their loved ones. I and the children were always with him, like a stone wall.
When asked what is the secret to a lasting happy marriage, Vladimir and Rimma Ivanovna answer this way:
- Family - this is the most important in life. It should be cherished, it must be preserved. " Of course, the situation may be different, but always something to forgive, which is to give up and understand your own rights.
Larisa, daughter anniversary, warmly tells of his childhood memories:
- I never heard that parents are cursing. They have always been friendly, caring, trying to give us children the best. I still believe that the ideal family should be exactly that.
Now Vladimir and Rimma Ivanovna, four grandchildren and five grandchildren, the youngest of whom, Vovochka total godik. «All of them - our main wealth», - confidently say Chapariny wife. Younger generations will never forget about the older - children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren often visit Vladimir and Rimma Ivanovna, almost every day, call them on the phone, handle their well-being. Well, holidays are traditionally gather for a large table. And there is no happiness - to feel the love, caring and sincere joy of native people and to understand - whatever happens, you will always remain the most important - your family. On the day of his anniversary Chapariny signed in symbolic Institute record of marriage. Vladimir and Rimma Ivanovna brought greetings from SORMOVSKIY Division registry office, as well as a small gift.
60 years of life,
Diamond Wedding,
Mar 28, 2009
Found the biggest diamond in the universe
A total of 50 light-years from Earth, astronomers saw the jewel of unprecedented size
Universal diamond is 1500 kilometers in diameter, weighs 10 billion trillion carats, glittering in the constellation Centauri. His «extracted» astrophysics from Harvard-Smithsonian Center (USA) and named «Lucy» in honor of the famous songs of the group «Beatles» «Lucy in the sky with diamonds». According to Travis Metcalf, head of the research team, to limit such a jewel, it will take a lap with the diameter of our Sun, a ring, which can be obtained by a diamond paste, it is easy to give to our Earth.
By its very nature, Lucy - a former Star, a so-called white dwarf, which spent all its thermonuclear fuel and the «dead». Remaining after the «death» carbon crystallize in a huge diamond.
Astronomers long suspected that all the white dwarfs is waiting for a precious future. And finally it got the evidence. Read to Lucy Diamond helped that it pulses. Catch the waves, scientists have understood that there is inside. Now, say that our Sun in 5 billion years will become a white dwarf, and another 2 billion years, turn into a diamond - not less, than Lucy.
Universal diamond is 1500 kilometers in diameter, weighs 10 billion trillion carats, glittering in the constellation Centauri. His «extracted» astrophysics from Harvard-Smithsonian Center (USA) and named «Lucy» in honor of the famous songs of the group «Beatles» «Lucy in the sky with diamonds». According to Travis Metcalf, head of the research team, to limit such a jewel, it will take a lap with the diameter of our Sun, a ring, which can be obtained by a diamond paste, it is easy to give to our Earth.
By its very nature, Lucy - a former Star, a so-called white dwarf, which spent all its thermonuclear fuel and the «dead». Remaining after the «death» carbon crystallize in a huge diamond.
Astronomers long suspected that all the white dwarfs is waiting for a precious future. And finally it got the evidence. Read to Lucy Diamond helped that it pulses. Catch the waves, scientists have understood that there is inside. Now, say that our Sun in 5 billion years will become a white dwarf, and another 2 billion years, turn into a diamond - not less, than Lucy.
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