
Forex Company Online

Apr 29, 2009

HP is preparing the first laptop with a GeForce 3D Vision?


  According to Taiwanese newspaper Commercial Times, HP is now actively preparing the first gaming laptop to support technology GeForce 3D Vision, developed by NVIDIA. This technology has attracted increasing interest not only by gamers, but professionals, but for some reason thought that it will initially be implemented on desktop, but not on the laptop.

  According to Taiwanese sources, the model is developed with the direct participation of Wistron, and it will be officially presented at the end of the quarter.

  The foundation technology GeForce 3D Vision serve LCD display with a refresh display and 120 Hz LCD glasses with active closures. The left and right closures of on and off independently of each other, and each eye sees only the image intended for it. But both pictures give the impression of depth and volume, and the brain sees a three-dimensional image. Apart from the glasses and the LCD panel, the other not less important component of this technology is a powerful graphics processor NVIDIA.

  Wistron has abstained from commenting on this issue.

  Source: Slash Gear


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