Thousands of Muscovites and guests of the capital came tonight at the main street of a megacity? Tver? to see the passage of military hardware on Red Square. Of the night they held the first rehearsal of military parade, which traditionally take place at the walls of the Kremlin in the Victory Day, May 9.
In fencing, exposed to Tverskoy between sidewalks and the roadway, almost no free mesta.Lyudi monitor the passage technology, many take this historic event on their mobile camera phones and send MMS messages with photos of relatives and friends.
Pleases at Tverskoy Muscovites and guests of the city and a really warm weather, which established in the metropolitan region.
Meanwhile, preparations for the Victory parade, brought inconvenience to motorists, since the passage of military equipment, which should be of Khodynskoe field on Red Square was blocked vehicular traffic on several main streets. However, according to one of their drivers, drivers' leaders will understand the problems of this kind, since May 9 celebration for us - it is sacred ".
According to ITAR-TASS in the metropolitan traffic police, in connection with conduct rehearsals on the Red Square military parade will be restricted to vehicular traffic on 28 April from 20:00 until the end of events ".
Movement limit on Khodynskoe field engineered the passage of 5506 engineered the passage of 5509, Leningrad Prospect streets 1 -ya Tverskaya-Yamskaya, Tverskaya, Manege Square, streets Mokhovaya, Okhotny series on Vasilyevsky Spusk Moskvoretskaya Kremlin and embankments, Borovitskaya Square Vozdvizhenka streets and Novy Arbat, Novinsky Boulevard, the streets Садово-Kudrinskaya and Bolshaya Sadovaya, Triumphal Square, Kitaigorodsky travel Ilyinsky down, streets and Varvarka Ilinka, Big Moskvoretskaya bridge, street Moskvoretskaya on embankments? Prechistenskaya, Swamp, Podhorsky, Bernikovskoy, Ustinskoy and a brilliant night coast, on Ustinskomu travel, streets Podhorsky, Yauzskiy, Solianke and Solyanskomu travel.
On the same streets will be restricted traffic from 20:00 on 30 April and 4 May and from 8 am on May 7.
Representatives traffic police appeal to drivers with a request to be extremely careful in advance to choose alternative routes, strictly comply with the requirements of road signs, requirements and guidance to staff road-patrol service .
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