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May 6, 2009

Russians are not facing pig flu

The Russian authorities take all necessary measures to prevent the entry into and proliferation of porcine influenza virus, real storms to the Russians yet, said the head of Russia Tatiana Golikova MHSD.

"Now is difficult to make predictions, how big a threat to pig flu. But the measures to be taken in such cases, accepted. If we talk about his arrival from abroad of potentially sick people and the flow of potentially contaminated meat, all the measures to curb these opportunities taken. Of course, there may be cases of diseases, from this no one is safe, but talk is a real risk for Russian citizens can not ", - said Golikova.

World Health Organization formally confirmed 114 human cases of influenza pork. Disease reported in Mexico, the United States, Canada, Israel, New Zealand and Europe. In Russia, a government commission to prevent the penetration of the virus in the country, banned the supply of meat from Mexico and several U.S. states.

Diseases of swine influenza in Mexico and several other countries due to a hybrid influenza virus type A (H1N1), a combination of antigens which were not previously seen in influenza viruses that cause disease in humans or pigs. Influenza virus type "A" represents a significant risk in epidemiological terms, as capable of rapid genetic change. A diseased pork Influenza temperature rises, there is a cough, runny nose, headache and muscle pain, in some cases there are vomiting and diarrhea.

WHO has raised the threat level prior to a pandemic influenza pig from 4 to 5 on a scale shestiballnoy.

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