Jun 19, 2009
As the 24 hours to get all what you dream
If not - be sure to see, because it is really fantastic kinoshka! And if you've already seen this picture, you will not be no trouble to recall the words of the main hero of the movie by name / William:
«I've found quite an interesting key to the decision - taken every day of my life as a certain amount of time, each unit has a duration of not more than thirty minutes. Full hour, as we are accustomed to perceive it, the role of these temporary units will not fit - it looks quite frightening, and prolonged, while the vast majority of our daily tasks solved could be ischislyaemy 30-minute period.
So, see what happens when we take a temporary unit for the same half hour. Take a bath - one unit, see news - one unit, find information in the grid - two units, gymnastics - three units, industrious rastrepka my hair - four units ... Simply amazing, how dense is the calendar of implementation of our daily tasks, and that most I am interested in, to be frank - as in all of this weight and run people manage to find time to work? »
I admit frankly: the title of this article can put you in confusion. After reading it, you may think that I will now tell you how over one day to get all the items you desire - at once and not more than one day. But in reality this is not what I mean.
And the title I chose not only to bring to your attention the article, but also ensure that you understand the strength and wisdom that only the concept.
You will be shocked by this discovery as soon as before you actually come, as the case in any area of our lives, including those in the business.
First - to bring all of what you want (absolutely everything!), To get started, you need to learn how to use force and power of the concept of gradually increasing success. Let me explain that this is so and how it works.
In fact, on their own objectives that you want to achieve, have absolutely no value in terms of their reach. It is not important, what specifically they are - whether you want to earn a million dollars, shed 50 pounds of excess weight, learn French, or that there would be no more. It is important to others - in order to achieve its goal, it is necessary to achieve it gradually, step by step.
According to another is not. To achieve a significant goal in one fell swoop simply impossible. Perhaps this - the only impossible thing in our lives.
No one is able to earn a million dollars, do not start this business with earnings of at least one single dollar. Nobody will be able to shed 50 extra pounds of weight, not losing at the beginning of one extra pound. And no one will never be able to learn French, if you do not master the simple French words and their order in the sentence.
You see, as I have a clone?
Achievement is a goal is a gradual process. And it is necessary to understand that achieving any goal is the sum of a large number of relatively small developments, which are piling together bring you the success that you want to achieve.
Next, you need to firmly grasp - is the concept of temporary units.
Just as the character of the first movie of this article, you need to understand how over time, consistent with a gradual move towards the goal that you want to implement.
Home and regular time unit in our lives - this is a day. That is, the same 24-hour period, which repeats itself in our lives again and again - from the moment of our birth until the time of our departure from this world. That day is calculated absolute majority of the events in our lives.
Every day of our lives is a very important segment of time and if you seriously want to achieve the goal in front of you - you must take into account each of those days that you have already lived and those who have to live.
Now you understand why the usual «magic spell», reading «I'll start it tomorrow» is unambiguously strategy unattainability any of your goals?
Do not understand? Yes throw.
You know very well what is at stake. Suppose you want to create your own information product. The same, on sales which are going to make money in your own online business. Either you want to start a blog to communicate with the audience, building its reputation and promote their own products ... or create their own affiliate program.
Yes no matter what!
Reflect on these thoughts, you give yourself a promise: «I'll get it tomorrow», which themselves have with ease and take. But there comes the next day and happens the same. It takes a hundred days, and you either do not inch closer to the planned success.
Yes, simply because any success is gradually growing phenomenon, the sum of the implementation of small steps and small accomplishments (as they are called - intermediate) results. And for all these days you have not done a single step, have not reached any of the intermediate results. Accordingly, the amount of zeros is zero.
That's all your math.
Of course, now you begin me to say that every day you do begin to prevent the implementation of the planned work. Do not argue, may well have been. But what is important in terms of what you have achieved against the target? The law of gradual advances relentless, and it is useless to explain that yesterday you were so busy and so it did nothing, then yesterday you deflected it, and you again have done nothing ...
It just gives you a natural result of your efforts. Efforts have not been? No question - this means that there will be no results. Whatever the reasons you do not justify their behavior - to achieve the goal that does not help. Rather, only the compiler.
In any of the days of our lives is very easy to compromise with himself and «agree» that today, perhaps, you can postpone the planned, but «tomorrow» ... Tomorrow is another thing! Tomorrow we will begin to go to the gym! Tomorrow, we'll certainly start a new diet! Tomorrow, we'll certainly start the creation of information goods! Tomorrow we will start creating your own blog!
Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Tomorrow.
You'll laugh, but it is the «tomorrow» - is the main reason why the vast majority of people are making virtually nothing in his life. For this reason a result is always the same - takes some weeks, months and years, but you did absolutely nothing to achieve what the want with all thy soul and with all my heart ... to you one iota, and does not come close to translating their dreams into reality.
That's because far too easy to postpone for tomorrow what could well be done today.
Here's what you need to learn once and for all ...
You know, that was the turning point in my life? In this way, a turning point, after which I am a complete failure and eternal debtor has become a wealthy businessman and the most successful entrepreneur in the online? I understood and began to apply in your life a very important thing ...
If you seriously want to achieve something in your life, if you have the goal that you seriously want to achieve - you need to do at least something to achieve that goal every day.
This is an important idea that I would like to repeat it again:
FOR ABSOLUTELY ANY PURPOSE OF YOUR anything to do to achieve it EVERY DAY.
There is absolutely no significance as far as serious or opposite - small is that you have done on any given day in order to achieve its goal. It is important that every day you have to do so at least something. Then and only then you will be one day closer to achieving its goal and it will inevitably reach.
It sounds trite and simple?
Perhaps. But actually it is - a very powerful and real working concept.
For example, if you want to reset a number of unnecessary weight, go on foot every day at least polkilometra. Not kilometer. Not five kilometers. Polkilometra. Then each week you will receive three and a half kilometers. Proshagat three and a half kilometers long at a time for most people suffering from excess weight - the whole problem, but polkilometra does not cause any difficulties.
The vast majority of our major goals are as far-threatening, when we look at them at the outset. However, after step number one, then - step number two, step number three and so on, and suddenly noticed that this goal is not so far away and unreal. And business to achieve anything on a daily basis, some time was surprised to find that it's been a very significant part of the journey and the goal became much closer!
If we will keep postponing the implementation of the next step towards the goal at «tomorrow», and tomorrow - again «tomorrow», and so on - believe me: will be days, weeks, months, years ... and our goal is not simply will not come near -- it will be away from us.
And, with the «magic mantra of the future», we will not achieve its NEVER.
If you want your online business has grown and progressed, bringing you more and more revenue - you need to do at least something to ensure its growth and progress. Handling more letters that come to you via e-mail, or search for more information on the Web does not count - those operations, as necessary, money do not themselves generate. You need to do something every day to ensure a flow of income from your business - creating products, to produce content, test your selling texts, and so on.
Do not let slip away from you or one of the days of your life! Suppose that every day you're running at least a step approaching you to achieve the goal. If you will be guided by this approach, your life will not be able to not change for the better.
Nowhere it is not denetsya. This change necessarily - iron and strategy hundred percent success!
Even if you have you will be a small step and invisible - it will still be done, and you do not have to do it tomorrow. And then tomorrow you will make one more step, and thus become closer to achieving its goal!
And even if it happens to you every day, every day of your life, without exception.
Source: http://www.marketingsecrets.com
John Reese is an Internet Marketing pioneer that has been actively marketing online since 1990. John has sold millions of dollars worth of products and services online and his network of Web Sites have received over 1.4 BILLION Web Site visitors since their inception. You can learn more about John, his home study courses, and subscribe to his free ezine by visiting: http://www.marketingsecrets.com/
get all,
Internet Marketing,
John Reese,
my dream,
you dream
How to remove T-shirts advertising AdSubscribe, which requests to send SMS.
Today is the beginning shoot out t-shirts advertising, in the title, writes that from the service AdSubscribe.
When you try to click the link to the removal of ads, opens a window with the message that under the terms of the agreement need to look at ads 999 times, or send a paid SMS.
From the Task Manager it can be removed only with a browser (iexplorer or FireFox).
Long rummage and found the solution:
1. Finding all occurrences AdSubscribe on disk with the system it is in "C:\Documents and Settings\(username)\AdSubscribe\", delete the entire folder. "AdSubscribe.dll" can not delete it using the system. 'll either have to unload it, or enter into windsurfing in safe mode and delete it.
2. Registry Editor find all references to AdSubscribe and delete them.
You can search in the registry the location of the counter opening the windows and set 999, and then delete, but most likely инфа keep the counter is not in the clear!
In the folder "C:\Docujavascript:void(0)ments and Settings\(User Profile)\Application Data\AdSubscribe"
is the file ".dat" - the configuration file is in text form is a variable
ADSR = 999
actually advertise itself counter to zero and the correct run "uninstall.exe"
Original article here
Jun 18, 2009
John Kornok invention, known as Anti-Stab knife

Just do not say, «will have to cut»! Let's not aggression - and then such an invention would not be required. But all the same extra precaution never interfere.Enjoy John Kornoka to the invention, known as Anti-Stab knife (stab - punctured wound).
Company Kornoka New Point Knives intends to issue in the sale of this knife in October this year. It will be worth approximately $ 66-82.
According to the 42-year-old Kornoka, the history of his invention started in the beginning of May 2005, when his wife, Liz looked at the TV medical intervention. They said that kitchen knives are often lethal weapons, and called for a ban on the most dangerous designs. Spouses, this initiative hurt to the quick.
Kornok decided that the prohibition of "long knives" that are, in fact, inevitable, would give the opposite result. And he thought how to make "more intelligent" knife, which will reduce the number of accidental or intentional injuries.
Kornok recognizes that secure the knives can not be, in principle, but argues: the product of its construction will not be able to inflict a mortal wound.
In March of this year's opener Kornoka tested by the research unit of British Ministry of Internal Affairs, which has accepted the results of testing positive.
Anti-Stab knife,
John Kornok,
safe knife
A brand new flash DataTraveler 200 so far no analogues in the world - its capacity is already 128 gigabytes.

Company Kingston has finally been submitted formally record flash DataTraveler 200. To date, this is the most capacious device of this class in the world: the memory is 128 gigabytes.
New notable not only for its capacity. Do flash durable rubber casing, sporting design, built-in system password protection. DataTraveler 200 can operate in temperatures from 0 to 60 degrees Celsius. Manufacturer offers a five-year warranty. Also in the lineup available storage capacity of 64 and 32 gigabytes.
Cost of 128-gigabaytnoy flash: $500. The same is the new Asus 1000HV netbuk a hard disk of 160 gigabytes.

DataTraveler 200,
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